David Wanzenried

David Wanzenried

Historic Site Preservationist and Lead Volunteer

Dave Wanzenried is a former Montana legislator and adjunct instructor of political science at Montana State University Billings. He served as the state senator from Missoula from 2007 to 2015, after previously serving as a member of the House of Representatives from Kalispell (1991-1995) and Missoula (2001-2007). 

In 2020, he adopted the Canyon Creek Battlefield interpretive site north of Laurel. He raised the money needed to erect a new fence, remove a dilapidated and dangerous cattle guard, replace the roof on the kiosk with durable, steel shingles, and resurface and re-stripe the parking lot. Through an agreement with the Billings chapter of Bright N Beautiful, the area is routinely maintained and kept clean and safe.

As he was wrapping up work on Canyon Creek site in 2023, he approached the City of Billings about adopting the Coulson “Boothill” Cemetery, a three-acre parcel deeded to the City in 1927. By virtue of an agreement with the Parks, Recreation and Public Lands Department, a series of improvements have been completed: A thorough cleaning of the area, agreed-upon mowings, the relocation and installation of signage to give the cemetery a more visible, formal and inviting presence, the placement of benches, and the installation of a lighted flagpole to honor veterans buried there. The final phase, which will be completed in the summer of 2025, is to combine the use of traditional signage with technology to allow visitors to remotely access documents, maps and narrations about the cemetery and other historic sites and events.

Throughout these initiatives, Dave has coordinated with the Billings Chamber of Commerce, individuals, local businesses to help design the improvements and raise the funds necessary to fund them.