In May of 2021, Our Montana Inc. provided grant monies for the cataloging and classifying of an important Montana prehistoric archaeological collection, recently donated to the BLM Billings Curation Center. Under the direction and assistance of David Wade, Museum Curator, Rebecca Kallevig, Our Montana Board Member, donated the Nollmeyer Site collection.

The site has been informally studied for nearly 40 years. The site was an earth lodge village along the Lower Yellowstone River. It was occupied approximately at A.D. 1675-1725. Henry Nollmeyer, the original landowner, cooperated with Kallevig for many years, allowing her to study and surface collect from the site. Although there are several publications about Nollmeyer, the entire collection, especially the ceramics and lithics, has not been formally studied. Since the donation of the collection to the curation center, scholars and the public can now study the collection.

 April Farmer, archaeologist and longtime volunteer with the curation center inputted the artifacts in a database, classified, cataloged, and photographed the collection. She completed the project in 2 months. With her expertise and diligent work, the collection is ready for study. Doug Melton retired BLM archaeologist, and Rebecca Kallevig, retired educator, and archaeologist worked along with April the first few days to expedite the classification and cataloging. Melton and Kallevig are also Our Montana, Inc. volunteers.
By melding expert volunteer skills, Our Montana, Inc. grant monies, and the acceptance of the collection by the BLM Billings Curation Center, a unique and incredible Montana archaeological site is now available for long-term study and analysis. Our Montana, Inc. appreciates David Wade, Gary Smith, BLM Montana State Archaeologist, April Farmer, Doug Melton, Becky Kallevig, and Mike Penfold.
(Photo Above) Becky Kallevig, April Farmer, and Doug Melton, working on the Nollmeyer artifacts.