Our Montana Success Stories!

Historic Trails
Our Montana and partnered with the Frontier Heritage Alliance on exploration and location of historic trails. We have discovered ancient Indian trails that connect Valley of the Shields with the significant habitation site on Demijohn Flats south of the Pryor Mountains. Additional ancient trail location work was completed in the Pryor Mountains. Other cultural sites have been mapped as well. We continue to build positive relationships with the Archeologists of the Bureau of Land Management, National Park Service and the (U.S. Forest Service. River Recreation Advisory hs Committee A River Recreation Advisory Committee was established and composed of 18 individuals, including legislators, fishermen, boaters, guides, outfitters, landowners, ranchers and OM’s Conservation Director, Mike Penfold. The Committee’s consensus final report, presented to the Fish, Wildlife and Parks Commission, made important recommendations, including a set of guiding principles against which to judge all river planning and management decisions. The report also, for the first time, proposes a river planning and management system for the State of Montana.

Equitable Access Model
Our Montana, The Montana Wildlife Federation, Billings Rod and Gun Club and the Public Lands Access Association cooperated on a project to develop a river permitting process called the Equitable access Model. The concept of developing a allocation of river permits directly to citizens, as opposed to guides and outfitters, has been endorsed by the Bureau of Land Management, Montana, Fish Wildlife and Parks and the Cinnabar Foundation. Yellowstone River Public Access Our Montana is working with the Public Land and Water Access Associations on a pilot study to determine if there are additional lands and rights of way on the Yellowstone River that are public but not recognized as such on public records. The Study has been funded by the Cinnabar Foundation/Conserve Montana. The study, so far, has been highly successful in that we have determined that in one 14 mile reach of the river in Yellowstone County, Montana, there were nine additional public islands and eight rights of way.
Kids in the Environment
Our Montana’s John Pulasky, in cooperation with the Yellowstone County Museum and Exxon, developed and presented a day in the environment for 350 grade school children.
Yellowstone River Conservation
There has been significant progress on Yellowstone River Conservation. Our Montana created a “spin off* alliance organization called the Yellowstone River Conservation Forum. The Forum is made up of 22 conservation organizations cooperating to establish a conservation program on the Yellowstone River. The Forum has been working with 12 Conservation Districts along the Yellowstone to complete basic studies on the River. Funding for the studies has been appropriated through the Army Corps of Engineers. The plan of study has been completed and the work has been progressing. A citizen Resource Advisory Council has been established by the Conservation Districts to help guide the studies and develop “best management practices’ for the river. Currently several best management practices have been developed and river restoration projects are in the process of development.

Wild Horses on the Pryor Mountains
Our Montana assisted the Cloud Foundation in their adoption of 14 wild horses from the Pryor Mountains. It is the goal of the Cloud Foundation to preserve the genetics of the wild horse herd. We located a ranch near the Pryor Mountains where the wild horses could be kept in their appropriate habitat. The Battle of Arrow Creek Our Montana supported the Frontier Heritage Alliance study and report on an important battle site where the Sioux attempted an invasion of Crow lands in attempt to wipe out the Crow Indians. The project was supported by the National Park Services’ Battlefield Protection Program. The report was well received by the various Indian Tribes as well as the National Park Service.

The Battle of O’ Fallon Creek
Our Montana supported the Frontier Heritage Alliance study and report on an important American battlefield where Sitting Bull and his bands of Sioux Indians attacked survey parties of the Norther Pacific Railroad. Weatherman Draw Conservation Our Montana worked with the Sierra Club and the Frontier Heritage Alliance to protect 900-year-old rock art in Weatherman Draw. After much work, an oi! company relinquished its BLM oil drilling leases. The BLM immediately reclassified the area as an Area of Environmental Control; this will protect the priceless cultural resources in the area indefinitely.

Buffalo on the Range
Our Montana supported the Frontier Heritage Alliance study and report on an important battle site where the Sioux attempted an invasion of Crow lands in attempt to wipe out the Crow Indians. The project was supported by the National Park Services’ Battlefield Protection Program. The report was well received by the various Indian Tribes as well as the National Park Service.
Private Land Public Wildlife Committee
Our Montana’s Conservation Director, Mike Penfold, has been appointed by the Governor to the PLPW Committee. This committee considers difficult issues concerning hunting and wildlife management in the State. Consensus proposals are presented to the Fish, Wildlife and Parks Commission, the Governor and the Legislature for approval and ratification.